Set in South Carolina in 1964, the tale of Lily Owens, a 14-year-old girl who is haunted by the memory of her late mother. To escape her lonely life and troubled relationship with her father, Lily flees with Rosaleen, her caregiver and only friend, to a South Carolina town that holds the secret to her mother's past. Taken in by the intelligent and independent Boatwright sisters, Lily finds solace in their mesmerizing world of beekeeping, honey and the Black Madonna.Release Date: October 17, 2008
Critics Reviews, Average Grade: B-
*Chicago Sun-Times, Roger Ebert"As a parable of hope and love, it is enchanting." A-
*Chicago Tribune, Jessica Reaves"...the film is too beholden to advancing the plot line..." C
*E! Online, Matt Stevens"...Bees should generate buzz--if not swarms of moviegoers-- for being nectar-sweet without dissolving into a drippy, gooey mess." B
*Entertainment Weekly, Owen Gleiberman"...the film, set in the civil rights era, has a
dated, musty piety that too often evokes the liberal message mongering of that time." C
::Okay, I'm excited to see this movie, and whenever there is a movie that I'm eager to see...the movie critics ratings are never that high. If I depended on these movie reviews...then I would never goto the movies! This movie looks like an A+ to me, so I can't wait to give it my own review......I will give you my updates later.
:: I seen this move last night and my ratings are an A+++!!! This movie was excellent and I'm still talking about it! This movie made me happy, angry, sad, and cry. It sparked all types of emotions and I would even go and see it again. Please go and see this movie and tell me what you think.
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